About the Women of the Seven Seas.
Women of the Seven Seas has been founded by the artist collective geheimagentur / secret agency in 2019 to connect women from all aspects of maritime life: female seafarers, artistis and activists working at sea or about the sea. For short: Shefarers. Today, women are sailing the seas in greater numbers than ever before - as part of the service crews on cruise ships or as captains rescuing refugees in the Mediterranean. Women are chief officers, managers in ports, artists and activists exploring hydrarchy as an alternative way of living, trying to reclaim ports as public spaces or fighting for endangered maritime eco-systems. This is new. The history of the seas is almost exclusively a history of men: Men have sailed the seas, worked in sea trade, went to war. Seamen and fishermen, captains and officers, they have predominantly been male. While women have fought with considerable success for gender equality on land, the maritime world seems far behind. Only recently, things have started to change. Women of the Seven Seas is a network of people who are a part of this change. On this site you find their profiles and some of their work as Crew and their Cargo. In Itinerary you find some activities of the Women of the Seven Seas and in Port of Call you find reports of and calls for shefarers from different ports.
Why? Because change is needed.
In summer 2023 Nova Ruth and her boat project ARKA KINARI in indonesian waters takes the lead in the Women of the Seven Seas network.